
Showing posts from May, 2015

The truth, the truth, nothing but the truth.

These truths are almost self-evident. I wrote them to purge my soul. Some are humerous, others sad, a couple dark. They are all true. Sport of Fools During the years my wife Nancy and I bounced around the country, we lived in Denver.  The sport of skiing had never tempted us before and never would have we not been so close to the slopes.  When one lives in Colorado, one skis.   Our first foray onto the slopes was uneventful and consisted mostly of lessons and hot toddies.  Our first instructor ran us through the paces, and then he took us to the mountaintop.  We made our way down.  Notice that I didn’t say we skied down.  We made our way down, and then we chose to bring the bunny slope to its knees for the rest of the day. The next trip was a weekend jaunt to Keystone. Since we had already skied at Loveland for a couple of hours, we considered ourselves season vets.  Our first instructor at Keystone went through the lessons agai...